Tuesday, October 10, 2006

First time you found out Santa wasn't real - part 2

For the inspiration behind this blog click here.
For more Santa related memories, click here

Do you know its now only 11 weeks to Christmas! Not long until the shops have their Christmas lights and decorations up and Coke will bring out their seasonal Santa advert. Just let us get past Guy Fawkes night first please!

I heard some more fond memories of our cuddly friend Santa Claus the other day. Gone on, share with us your first memory of finding out Santa wasn't really real. I'd certainly love to hear some more stories.

Carrot stealer

“That’s easy…my brother gave it away. I don’t remember how old I was or what he said, but I remember that I didn’t believe him! That Christmas I waited and waited, pretending to be asleep and then I heard Santa coming up the stairs. You know, I was so excited I can't describe it really, but my heart must of been practically jumping out of my chest because I remember I was breathing really fast. I was probably on the verge of a panic attic, after all this was the first time I was going to see Santa (or at least that's what I thought).

I crept out into the hall and here was Dad eating the carrot I’d left out for the reindeer!

I said “what are you doing, that’s for Rudolph!"

He said he’d woken up hungry and that Santa would forgive him for eating Rudolph's carrot if he went to the kitchen and got another. I must have given him a fright when I think about it.

Anyway, I had my suspicions, but still didn’t want to believe it. I think it finally sunk in after I went back to school and we talked about what Santa had given us for Christmas. Some of the children knew already so it was probably peer pressure to finally admit he wasn't real.”

He lives on…

“I’m “thirty something” now and Santa still sends my brothers and I presents. Every year we get a letter from Santa asking if we’d been good and could we please provide a list of potential gifts for him to pick from. The list helps him, he says in his letter, because his elves have had a hard year and his memory is getting poorer. It doesn’t help I suppose that Mrs Claus is no longer with us.

It’s a funny quirky traditional we have kept up for years. Santa has moved with the times and now that he has retired from being a GP and left much of the work to the elves and other helpers, he has learned how to use computers and the internet. Our letter from Santa now comes via email! Dad’s great isn’t he! It means I get something from Santa that is useful and is guaranteed to be something I actually want – a sure fire bet for CD’s, books and perfume! “

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