Sunday, October 29, 2006

Your first love

For the inspiration behind this blog click here.

You know that phrase “you never forget your first love”? Well, I believe that there are two different kinds of love that you never forget – the kind that is your first non-sexual love and the kind that is. The first is the one you experience at a very young age – primary school or even younger. The second comes perhaps at secondary school or at any point in life after that.

The reason I make the distinction at this point is that I have found it surprising which “type” of first love that people recall first – the non sexual, very innocent and sweet one, or the latter, which invariably people remember the break up of. Sometimes it's both, depending on how good the memory itself is.

So what about you……….

“I was in primary school, about ten or eleven years old. I arranged to meet her on a Saturday afternoon..the first time I’d had the guts to ask her out. That day, two of my pals came round looking for a game of football. I decided that footie was a better idea and got them to go down to the shops and tell her. I never tried again after that – I doubt I would have had a chance really! Still liked her though….”

White shoes

“His name was Graham and we were in primary seven! I remember I thought he was so cool and cute looking – dark hair, tall, all of that. He took me to the primary seven school disco. I remember I wore a white top and white shoes – special!

He brought me something, you know when he came round to the house with his Mum, who was driving us to he disco. It was flowers or chocolates, I can’t remember which. But I remember thinking, “oh, isn’t that nice, he’s so likes me”.

We went to the disco and had a great time. We danced the last dance and had a kiss. Well, you know, just one of those “long” straight kisses on the lips – more of a two second thing really but longer than a peck on the lips.

We went out together I think for about a month. School broke up for summer and we weren’t together when we went to the big school.”


“Oh he was a wee dreamboat at the time, the best looking of all the class. See when I’ve met him since (at least fifteen years on), he was soooo ugly. What was I thinking!

I would be ten or so I think. He was cute, with slightly big ears and could run like the wind. I was impressed by that – he as the best runner in the school sports every year and he was my boyfriend!.

We used to go behind the pump shed (a small shed in the grounds of the school that must have been used as a water pump in ancient times!) for a small pack on the cheek. Nothing more than that. It was just the “done thing”.


Loretta @ Stitching the Night Away said...

Now that is a great *first* something no one ever forgets :)
Thanks for the memory trip

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading. :)